Signed in as:
Our Guarantee
We want our customers to love and treasure their purchases. We will accept returns for any reason, within 30 days of purchase, as long as the item purchased is returned to us in the condition in which we sent it out. In this event, we will refund the full cost and the outbound postage.
We do our best to give honest appraisals of the nature, age, origin and condition of all our antiques for sale. However, if it is conclusively shown at any time that our appraisal has been inaccurate, we will buy back the item at full cost including any outbound postage, as long as the item is returned to us in the condition in which we sold it.
VAT - United Kingdom
We are an unincorporated business based in the UK. We are registered for VAT and our VAT number is GB395573547 . Please note that as the goods we sell are invariably second hand goods, antiques, works of art or books, we do not add VAT to our prices but account for VAT under the UK Global Accounting Scheme or under an appropriate VAT Margin Scheme where required. We are happy to provide a VAT invoice on request and will always do so where an item is sold under a Margin Scheme.
VAT, sales taxes and Customs Duties - non-UK
We are not responsible or accountable for any VAT sales taxes or Customs Duties payable outside the UK.
Description of items
The condition of an items is often very critical, especially for antiques, and so we take great care to give accurate assessments of condition. We will make it clear in our description if there is any restoration or damage to an item, of which we are aware. We will describe an item's condition as fully as possible, but please note that where our items are antique or vintage, normal signs of aging may not be mentioned. For example, we may not mention crazing on antique earthenware unless it is stained and affects the display qualities of the piece. Also normal manufacturing flaws in handmade items such as firing cracks may not be highlighted.
Delivery costs
Our delivery costs quoted are based on a rate table which takes into account your location and the weight of the item. Exceptionally we may need to request additional postage. If we do so and you do not want to pay it, any payment you have made to us will be refunded in full.
If postage costs are lower than those quoted, we will at our discretion refund the difference.
Customs duty, VAT or other sales taxes are for the account of the buyer - our prices do not cover any of these costs. We will declare items sold at the value paid and we will describe them accurately giving the appropriate customs code. If you are in doubt what customs duties or VAT may be payable, we are happy to try to help you negotiate the rules.
Delivery - packing and refunds
We take great care to package items as well as possible. Please note that we use recycled packaging materials which may have signs of previous use.
We will use the most appropriate delivery method for the item and send it tracked unless it is of low value.
If an item is lost in transit we will refund the full cost of the item and the postage. If an item is broken in transit, on receiving evidence of this, we will also give a full refund of cost and postage. We may ask for the item to be returned, and if we do we will pay the return postage.
The only exception to this is for glass in picture frames. We have been sending glazed pictures for some years with very few problems. However the cost of replacing broken glass is usually low and the value of our pictures is usually in the picture and not the frame. We are unable to insure against broken picture glass so we do not offer a refund.
Please ask if there is anything else about buying from us which you need to know.